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Übersetzungen für speculating im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

speculate [ˈspekjʊleıt] VERB intr

2. speculate (in):

▶ speculation [ˌspekjʊˈleıʃən] SUBST
▶ speculative [ˈspekjʊlətıv] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Scientists have speculated that the ability of some bivalves to burrow and thus avoid predators was a major factor in their success.
It is speculated that this was a clavichord or harpsichord.
The last episode to air at this time is speculated to be the series finale.
This small easter egg would later be used by fans to speculate that the show and the movie take place in the same world.
It is speculated that she wanted to reenlist, but she was unable to.
There are no official teachings speculating about an exact time or date.
In this book, she speculates the artifact and the essence bound inside it will allow her to spy on a gathering of demon lords undetected.
They speculated that such writers were either not seeking publication, or not achieving it.
It is speculated that the bubbles in sparkling wine may speed up alcohol intoxication by helping the alcohol to reach the bloodstream faster.
It was speculated that years of using etching acids on zinc plates in poorly ventilated studios had damaged her lungs.

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