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Übersetzungen für spending money im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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spending money [ˈspendıŋ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The top prize was 21,000 miles of travel and 600 spending money.
He is shown spending money wantonly in a club.
His father gave him 100 yen a month spending money, at a time when twenty yen was enough to enjoy a very comfortable life-style.
For example again and again spending on football pools is denounced as are other ways of spending money and leisure time.
It is easy to confuse the amount of spending money in the economy with the amount of money in the economy.
Giving audience's satisfaction key priority he starts spending money without any considerations.
Because organizers wanted to raise money for the church, they decided against spending money on uniforms.
Mingy, the curmudgeonly money-keeper who resists spending money for fancying up the village is also outlawed.
The rooms provide basic necessities as well as recreation, encouraging visitors to remain on the station and continue spending money.
This skill continued to provide him with spending money during his student years.

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