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Übersetzungen für sperm im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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sperm <sperm(s)> [spɜːm] SUBST

sperm bank SUBST

sperm whale SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The spermatophore is mostly food for the female to consume but also contains sperm to fertilize her eggs.
In the alternative intro, they had finished donating their sperm at a sperm bank.
The emitted liquid is commonly known as spurine (a portmanteau of the words sperm and urine).
He admits to not having taken the fertility tests, because of his past as a sperm donor.
It allows the sponge's sperm to have a wider range when traveling downstream.
They have twelve body segments, 17 to 19 pairs of legs, and males transfer sperm with modified rear legs called telopods.
With some techniques, sperm concentration and motility measurements are at least as reliable as current manual methods.
The blowout may or may not cause symptoms, but will probably scar the epididymal tubule, thus blocking sperm flow at second point.
When viewing the alien swarm at a distance, the special effect was a composition from magnified footage of sperm.
It employs numerous professional geneticists, cytologists, and veterinarians and maintains a cryopreservation facility for rare sperm and eggs called the frozen zoo.

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