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Übersetzungen für strongroom im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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strongroom [ˈstrɒŋrʊm] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

You sit there in the reading room or the strongroom and a chill goes down your spine.
The money went missing from an evidence bag while it was being held in a strongroom at the station.
In a musty basement strongroom behind two sets of heavy steel doors, workers pulled elephant tusks from piles that nearly reach the ceiling.
Because of this, the safe would remain outside the strongroom in the library.
The banking chamber, strongroom and manager's office will then be strengthened and refurbished and the two buildings linked by a glass atrium.
Another strongroom was provided in the engineering drawing office for the storage of plans.
It tailor-makes safes for specific spaces and supplies all grades of vaults and strongroom doors.
Together they enter the room and the barred strongroom.
The rioters had already broken down two of the strongroom's doors and were now hammering on the third.
They advance in that way as far as towards the strongroom.

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