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Übersetzungen für strongroom im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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strongroom SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The culprit had gained entry into the strongroom and taken photographs of the question paper using his mobile phone in the absence of proper security.
You sit there in the reading room or the strongroom and a chill goes down your spine.
They were then told to hand over keys for the strongroom where cash was stored.
Together they enter the room and the barred strongroom.
The ground floor houses the guardroom, strongroom and lock-up.
Since the strongroom and the lockers were not broken, they suspected it to be the handiwork of the present or former employees.
The banking chamber, strongroom and manager's office will then be strengthened and refurbished and the two buildings linked by a glass atrium.
In a musty basement strongroom behind two sets of heavy steel doors, workers pulled elephant tusks from piles that nearly reach the ceiling.
A subsequent attempt to blast open the strongroom failed, but the ensuing fire created a great deal of damage.
The rioters had already broken down two of the strongroom's doors and were now hammering on the third.

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