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Übersetzungen für strop im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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strop [strɒp, Am strɑ:p] SUBST Brit, Aus ugs

Beispielsätze für strop

to be in a strop

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Following the good woman around the supermarket, questioning her every purchase, getting into a strop trying to open those infuriating little plastic bags.
She threw a complete strop pouting and pointing and asking someone to get a lawnmower to sort it out.
It's almost as if this stratospheric strop throwing is intrinsic to being a hairdresser in the first place.
In the past, my holiday experiences have included an array of sulking, strops and -- very occasionally -- compromise.
The soldiers then scalped most of the dead, and cut long strips of flesh from others for use as razor strops.
Additionally, a leather razor strop, or strop, is often used to straighten and polish an edge.
The company's original focus was the production of razor strops, to sharpen razors used in shaving.
A wire strop was being dropped down to him to tie around logs when a weight on the end snagged on undergrowth.
They made collars and training harnesses for farm working dogs and everything from lifting strops for search and rescue dogs to collars for guide dogs.
The chest sports a medial strop of black-tipped hairs.

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