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Übersetzungen für table mat im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other bamboo items that are in demand include table mats, wall hangings and coasters.
I have picked up table mats, glass stands and silk throws from there as well.
Leather bags, sofa covers, table mats and bedsheets are on display.
Each of the tribe has its own unique designs and colours, producing shawls, shoulder bags, decorative spears, table mats, wood carvings, and bamboo works.
A selection of goods to purchase includes jewellery, table mats and table cloths, dresses, polo shirts and wicker bags.
A placemat or table mat is a covering and/or pad designating an individual place setting, unlike the larger table cloth that covers the entire surface.
Bags, purses, dolls, table mats and decorative pieces made of banana fibre are a major attraction.
The men were given places at the top table with flowers and table mats designed and made by the pupils.
The bento, made at home, is wrapped in a furoshiki cloth, which acts as both bag and table mat.
Let's promote our other models that have initiated no interest from anyone whatsoever, such as a digital table mat.

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