Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für tablespoonful im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tablespoonful [ˈteıblˌspuːnfʊl], tablespoon SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Roll into half a pound of butter two tablespoonfuls of flour; add this to the stew until the meat is nearly done.
Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cooking sheets and bake for 9-10 minutes.
When the mixture starts to come loose from the side of the pan removed from heat and taken a tablespoonful of the cooked mixture, spread on a cork wood leaf.
Add a heaped tablespoonful to a glass of water, then take it at the start of a meal.
One tablespoonful of say, port wine is a better pick-me-up than a glassful.
Also, the cookbook uses the term tablespoonfuls, cupfuls, etc. rather than the current terminology of cups, teaspoons and the like.
So if you have 15 tablespoonfuls, it is equivalent to 15 football fields in surface area of absorption.
Add the remaining pasta water, a tablespoonful at a time, if the sauce is still too thick.
One tablespoonful of activated carbon has a surface area equivalent to a football field.
Mix in the sifted icing sugar a tablespoonful at a time.

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