Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für unsavoury im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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unsavoury, unsavory Am [ˌʌnˈseıvərı] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Like many families around them, they must survive in unsavoury surroundings.
It is big, it matters, there is nothing unsavoury about focusing on that.
He is beset with nausea and later humiliated when strangers on a bus detect an unsavoury scent on him.
Especially in international football, such lopsided results are seen as unsavoury, even if they are honest.
Inside the club, they discover a number of very unsavoury entertainments, and are very nearly trapped by the managers.
While there have been unsavoury incidents in the past between the clubs and an intense rivalry on the pitch, they have developed a strong cross-community relationship in recent years.
Foods associated with famine need not be nutritionally deficient, or unsavoury.
In 2003, the club was prohibited from hosting beer gardens due to unsavoury practices, including intoxicated bartenders and free beer for partygoers.
This overcrowded and squalid district acquired an unsavoury reputation with a large transient population.
The former encourages that unsavoury brand of political correctness which takes the refusal to criticise other cultures to the extreme of condoning murderous dictatorship and barbaric practices.

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