Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für unsavoury im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unsavory ADJ Am, Aus, unsavoury [ˌʌnˈseɪvərɪ] ADJ Brit, Aus

2. unsavory (disgusting):

3. unsavory (socially offensive):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Just think of all those unsavoury outsiders looking to relax in a health spa.
In 2003, the club was prohibited from hosting beer gardens due to unsavoury practices, including intoxicated bartenders and free beer for partygoers.
The three continual councillors went on to acquire an unsavoury reputation.
She begins talking to the father, gradually presenting an unsavoury side of their life.
While there have been unsavoury incidents in the past between the clubs and an intense rivalry on the pitch, they have developed a strong cross-community relationship in recent years.
Apart from the unsavoury working conditions of the dust people, it sounds like an environmental win-win.
Especially in international football, such lopsided results are seen as unsavoury, even if they are honest.
Some early travellers found dodo meat unsavoury, and preferred to eat parrots and pigeons, others described it as tough but good.
There were other unsavoury things about the household.
There were over 240 people in residence and the manor waxed unsavoury.

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