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Übersetzungen für wedding ring im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She removes her wedding ring and throws it at him.
Shepherd leaves his wedding ring with her and asks her to give it to his wife and let her know he was sorry.
They are demanding his wedding ring, and he is begging for his life.
It is also noted that she is wearing a wedding ring, but turns down the chance to see who her husband is.
A wedding ring is shown on his finger.
After her husband's death, she gave away her magnificent collection of jewels, including her wedding ring, and sold her other possessions.
Some women wear the wedding ring on the right hand, men on the left (representing yin and yang).
The engaged couple would wear one hoop each and rejoin them to use as a wedding ring.
Lee revealed that when her character took off her wedding ring in a 1982 episode, she was taking off her real wedding band.
The couple married in 1958 using an ancient wedding ring.

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