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Übersetzungen für witch doctor im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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witch doctor SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The evil witch doctor then subsequently makes his escape.
This issue with witchcraft and its power and influence is that a witch doctor has, as he is almost always revered by society as ultimate truth.
The witch doctor also announces that when a person gets sick - no matter a fever or cancer - he s dead rather than ill.
It shouldn't be the doctor versus the witch doctor.
Longing for her companionship, the man goes to see a witch doctor for advice.
The witch doctor is then shown to put the doll in a pot with water (not boiling) and the captive is shown with the same position.
It is not unusual for there to be a mass followed by a ritual cleansing by a local brujo (roughly witch doctor).
At dawn, he is still trying to find his way out of the jungle when a witch doctor appears.
The only way it can be destroyed is through the witch doctor.
But this does nt last long when the witch doctor began to form various rituals to cast the disaster the out comers brought to the island.

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