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Übersetzungen für witch doctor im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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witch doctor SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is provided by a witch doctor.
Blizzard has stated that the witch doctor is not another version of the necromancer and that they may incorporate the necromancer in a future expansion.
The witch doctor is then shown to put the doll in a pot with water (not boiling) and the captive is shown with the same position.
The witch doctor also announces that when a person gets sick - no matter a fever or cancer - he s dead rather than ill.
In order to choose a suitable site for the house, the guru (witch doctor) would be consulted, who would determine whether the land was bad or good.
But this does nt last long when the witch doctor began to form various rituals to cast the disaster the out comers brought to the island.
At the middle of the song, the man tells the woman he loves about his asking the witch doctor for advice.
In another version it is under control of an evil "shaman" or witch doctor.
Although there is a hospital, most locals consult either their own witch doctor or medical clinics set up by western missionaries.
If we wish to know why a certain disease strikes one person and not another, we turn to medicine instead of a witch doctor.

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