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Übersetzungen für zigzags im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

I . zigzag [ˈzıgzæg] SUBST

II . zigzag [ˈzıgzæg] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The net result is that electrons take a zigzag path due to the collisions, but generally drift in a direction opposing the electric field.
One in particular was perfect for a dialogue between two characters - a single zigzag line that can function as the profile for either face.
Other common names for this popular aquarium species are zigzag eel, spiny eel, leopard spiny eel and white-spotted spiny eel.
The other chief motives are the festoon, and the zigzag.
Due to the geographical situation, the same distance is equivalent to several miles of zigzagging roads if travelling by car.
Without the details inside the zigzag bands the mat is pmg; with the details but without the distinction between brown and black it is pgg.
It features three zigzag brick and limestone panels, brick pilasters with stepped capitals, and entrances with limestone pilasters.
The front of the branches carries small nodes in a row or zigzag line between the apertures.
The second half is much wider, much contorted and often zigzagging.
Zigzag lines stand for water and also for lightning.

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