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Übersetzungen für Athapaskan im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . Atha·bas·kan, Atha·pas·kan [ˌæθəˈbæskən, -ˈpæskən] SUBST

1. Athabaskan (person):

2. Athabaskan no pl (language):

II . Atha·bas·kan, Atha·pas·kan [ˌæθəˈbæskən, -ˈpæskən] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The chronology of the Athapaskan languages.
But they were not Athapaskan people and their language was nowhere close to the Athapaskan language.
It just does not ring true that an Athapaskan word like "columneetza" would be in common use by a non-Athapaskan group.
Phonetic and phonemic change in the Athapaskan languages.

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