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Übersetzungen für Formica im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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For·mi·ca® [fɔ:ˈmaɪkə, Am fɔ:rˈ-] SUBST no pl

Resopal®nt<-s, -e>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

At the time there were 16 competitors in the decorative laminate industry, including Formica, which held 65% of the market.
There is also an original wooden cornice over the teller windows, which have been widened and surrounded with blue Formica.
Used for insulating parts in electrical fixtures, paper laminated products (e.g., Formica), thermally insulation foams.
Other overlays include Formica, laminated papers, ceramics, and vinyl.
New teller windows and Formica countertops have been added, but the original wooden customer tables remain.
Ant species, such as the Formica, can deliver paralyzing stings in addition to their own powerful mandibles.
In common use, the term Formica refers to the company's classic product, a heat-resistant, wipe-clean, plastic laminate of paper or fabric with melamine resin.
Optical mice use image sensors to image naturally occurring texture in materials such as wood, cloth, mouse pads and Formica.
Diners of the 1950s tended to use stainless steel panels, porcelain enamel, glass blocks, terrazzo floors, Formica and neon sign trim.
It is a work in three-dimensions constructed of Formica on wood.

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