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Übersetzungen für International Court of Justice im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Inter·na·tion·al Court of ˈJus·tice SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A year later he was elected a judge of the International Court of Justice, where he worked until his death.
He served as a judge on the International Court of Justice from 1979 until 1995.
Both countries finally agreed to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice and abide by its decision.
The case was taken to the International Court of Justice.
The International Court of Justice also says these settlements are illegal in a 2004 advisory opinion.
He served as a judge of the International Court of Justice from its beginning in 1946 until 1952.
Afterwards, he became a judge on the International Court of Justice, and eventually became one of the longest-serving judges there, working from 1967 until 1993.
In many instances the minority rights treaties provided for arbitration and granted the International Court of Justice jurisdiction to resolve disputes.
For example, International Court of Justice jurisdiction is accepted, though with reservations.
The case was adjudicated by the International Court of Justice in 1985 essentially by ignoring the islet from the calculations.

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