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Übersetzungen für Lao im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Lao [laʊ] SUBST ADJ

Lao → Laotian

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The town has basic accommodation and a handful of restaurants serving Lao food.
This was an attempt to give a false front of authority to the Lao communist movement by claiming to represent a united non-partisan effort.
Lao orders every worker to evacuate, though his order is negated by Loban, who vows to fire anyone who dares to leave.
In Lao tradition, the soul consists of many guardian spirits that occasionally wander away from their owner.
Because of their relative isolation, contact between these groups and lowland Lao has been mostly confined to trading.
Lao ideas of the curved roof should have been similar to Chinas as well.
The slower pace of some Lao styles allows the singer to improvise the verse, but otherwise the text is memorised.
Lao Tzu also used the bottle to make him an iron crutch that would never rust nor break.
Lao language, mathematics and physical education are some of the lessons conducted in a primary school.
In the cities and at the government level, Lao women are underrepresented, particularly in high-level positions.

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