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Übersetzungen für Premonstratensian im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Premonstratensian SUBST

Premonstratensian (member of order of canons) REL
Premonstratensian order (of canons) REL
Premonstratensian canon REL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the same year a wooden chapel was built, which was gradually extended to be a Premonstratensian monastery.
From the 12th century the monastery was the home of a Premonstratensian community.
In 1537 the nunnery was refounded for Premonstratensian canonesses, before being finally suppressed in 1539.
By 1950, the rapidly expanding Premonstratensian community had outgrown the available space within their original abbey buildings.
The date of its foundation is not known, but it was certainly in existence as a Premonstratensian monastic community by 1225.
The abbey was founded in 1222 for Premonstratensian canons, an austere order of priests.
In 1140, the abbeys monks switched to the rules of the Premonstratensian order.
Nearby there was at first a Premonstratensian convent, which was dissolved in time.
Initially it was not a specifically Premonstratensian foundation, but was transferred to the order as an already established community between 1121 and 1146.
As was usual with early Premonstratensian foundations, this was originally a double monastery, with a separate nunnery, which lasted until at least 1320 or so.

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