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Übersetzungen für Stygian im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Styg·ian [ˈstɪʤiən] ADJ liter

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Stygian depression

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As a near-death survivor and the show's resident Stygian ferryman, his words take on an ominous tone.
You could easily disappear in the wintry mist outdoors, or in the Stygian darkness of the growing sheds.
He was a wild card that held no allegiance to any of the four major players in the war for Stygian.
Analysis of the only "colossal squid" ever systematically dissected suggests its enormous eyes are adapted to detect "really large moving objects" in the Stygian depths.
The trombones double the vocal lines, creating an unearthly Stygian quality of sound.
There it is again at night, a Stygian valley framed by the twilit hulks of the city rearing all around.
Operating in this Stygian gloom, most of us just point to the third dish down and hope for the best.
Brutal and dismal in each down-spiralling turn and Stygian twist of its plot, this film indicts the war on drugs as a relentlessly macho, end-justifies-any-means, pointless battle.

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