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Übersetzungen für abstruse im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ab·struse [æbˈstru:s] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One, a spectacularly successful purveyor of airport novels, is envied by his friend, an equally unsuccessful writer of philosophical and generally abstruse prose.
They are comprised rather of tonally accented verses and hypnotic, abstruse melodies whose proper realizations demand oral instead of visual transmission.
The work contains a mass of abstruse learning.
This is an aspect of category theory, and has a reputation for being abstruse.
No financial statement was too intricate for her, and no contract too abstruse.
As such, the book is seen as a legitimate and canonical, if somewhat abstruse, religious masterpiece.
They are not just abstruse nonsense, they are criminal.
This holds even more true of the mythological and ritualistic texts, which, cast in abstruse language, plainly belong to esoteric lore.
While the existence of truthmakers may seem an abstruse question, concrete instances are at the heart of a number of philosophical issues.
His deviations into the abstruse minutiae of the law, served but as a foil to the luminous parts of the oration.

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