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Übersetzungen für antedate im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ante·date [ˌæntɪˈdeɪt, Am ˈænt̬ɪdeɪt] VERB trans form

1. antedate (give earlier date):

to antedate sth

2. antedate (precede in time):

to antedate sth

antedate VERB trans TRANSPROZ


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This did not antedate the historical event of the incarnation.
Its establishment in 1905 antedates the foundation of the system and makes it one of the oldest medical schools in the country.
The term first came into use in science fiction fandom to refer, sometimes deprecatingly, to non-fans; this use of the term antedates 1955.
An inventor can antedate the reference by corroborated evidence of prior invention and diligent reduction to practice.
In the 12 months antedating the survey, 12.4% of students had been in a physical fight on school property at least once.
It is commonly believed that church fabrics do not antedate the thirteenth century.
The office had issued a single set of reasons for its refusal to antedate parental benefit claims for the 102 migrant workers.
Another example, in simpler terms, might be that if something antedates something else, it predates it, or is older than it.
The practice known as reclamation is being applied to culm piles antedating laws requiring mine owners to restore lands to their approximate original shape, for it is economic.
In the 30 days antedating the survey, 5.5% of students reported that because they did not feel safe, they did not go to school on at least one day.

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