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Übersetzungen für astutely im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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as·tute·ly [əˈstju:tli, Am esp əˈstu:t-] ADV


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The knowledge worker is astutely aware, not only of the means and purpose of their work, but also its political and social dimensions.
Yet there was also an undercurrent of approval, reminiscent of a teacher astutely ignoring the bully in the class who keeps trying to disrupt proceedings.
It would serve political tranquillity, both by accrediting the truly apt candidates for office and by creating citizenry astutely able to assert its liberty against any government's tendency to encroach.
He astutely pointed out that a successful mercenary army no longer needs its employer if it is more militarily powerful than its supposed superior.
She was aware of the competition but astutely publicized her business, always ensuring she kept up with evolving technology.
Invest in your skills and knowledge to improve your ability to earn a higher wage/salary, start a business and/or invest more astutely.
Which auditor in which country you astutely ask?
The latter has astutely, yet sometimes controversially, put the interests of the club first.
He believed that contemporary technology was sufficient, if only slightly developed and astutely applied, to bring about an earthly paradise of effortless plenty within a matter of a few years.
Astutely, he built on the extensive network of contacts he already had but was also enormously successful at cold calling.

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