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Übersetzungen für atrocious im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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atro·cious [əˈtrəʊʃəs, Am -troʊ-] ADJ

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

atrocious conditions
atrocious crime

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One can hardly conceive of a more atrocious, a more beastly crime.
Atrocious power will swallow our country, bite liver and lungs and aim for the presidency....
Her social pretensions are rendered all the more comical by her frequent misunderstandings, misuse of common idioms, and atrocious spelling.
No respectable outside body should be funding this atrocious project.
Our picture was not as good as the original script and the casting was atrocious.
The game, played in atrocious conditions, proved to be an anti-climax.
His crimes were so atrocious that most mass media were not willing to report the details.
They further observed that such a principle might be the legal cloak for unbridled passion and atrocious crime.
The race was run in atrocious conditions with hail and heavy, freezing rain hammering the riders for hours.
The weather conditions were atrocious; high sea states and contrary winds meant that progress west was very slow.

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