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Übersetzungen für auditor's report im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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audi·tor's re·ˈport SUBST FIN

auditor's report SUBST WIRECHT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Another enhancement to the current auditor's report, the board says, could involve clarifying what an audit represents and auditor responsibilities.
The auditor's report didn't suggest that any money was misspent.
But until the issue was broached in 2010 by an inmates' rights group, proper authorization was rarely obtained, the state auditor's report said.
The auditor's report said it would have been cheaper for her to drive.
The auditor's report was critical of the lack of proper book-keeping.
A city auditor's report issued last year concluded that contracting out saved taxpayers $11.5 million in its first year, while providing satisfactory service.
He handed in an auditor's report and said the company was well run and took its responsibilities seriously.
The auditor's report also raised concerns about regulations for landfills.
One recent auditor's report in one province called for more public-private partnerships, while another called them overrated.
When the auditor can not express an overall opinion, the auditor should state the reasons therefore in the auditor's report.

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