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I . ˈbaby blue SUBST no pl

Bleu nt <-s, ->

II . ˈbaby blue ADJ präd

ˈbaby-blue ADJ attr

bleu präd

blue ˈbaby SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is baby blue in color, and its head has sensors only on the left side, giving it a peculiar asymmetrical appearance.
The cleaner was styled in two-tone baby blue (base) and navy blue (everything except the base).
Variations of this color are known as sky blue, baby blue, or angel blue.
Its school colors were red, white and originally baby blue (which was later changed to navy).
The 2001 season saw a significantly more competitive drum corps finishing in 13th place while wearing baby blue uniforms again.
Some of the retired baby blue cruisers are sold at auctions with all police equipment stripped and returned to be reused in other cruisers.
The last remaining baby blue car was retired from the department in late 2006 or early 2007.
Its orange-red and pink lateral striping then baby blue or white fins with black spots make this a spectacular aquarium addition.
Sanders figured that the baby blue would look better on the field and in film.
The red do so by implanting eggs beneath their victim's skin which grow into a baby blue slaad that eats the host from within.

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