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Übersetzungen für boneless im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bone·less [ˈbəʊnləs, Am ˈboʊn-] ADJ inv

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

boneless chicken
boneless fish
boneless meat

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other meats may be used, with chicken-fried chicken having appeared on many menus, substituting a boneless chicken breast for the steak.
It is then boiled with meat, such as large boneless chicken chunks or beef and lamb (with bone).
When his waitress brought him a boneless piece of meat, he became unhappy and created a scene.
Boneless bagoong, if left undisturbed for quite some time, will settle to the bottom of its container, separating the clear patis from the solids, as patis comes from bagoong.
Yield grades are intended to estimate the pounds of boneless closely trimmed retail cuts from the carcass.
Like sharks, it has a boneless skeleton made of cartilage, a tough, elastic substance composed of collagenous and/or elastic fibers, cells, and a firm, gel-like substance called the matrix.
That night the boneless things surround their camp.
Because fish fillets do not contain the larger bones running along the vertebrate, they are often said to be boneless.
The soft texture of the rice congee and boneless chicken also makes this dish suitable for young children or adults in convalescence.
Because the arapaima produces boneless steaks, it is considered a delicacy; some 7000 tons per year were taken from 1918 to 1924, the height of its commercial fishing.

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