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Übersetzungen für bookstall im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbook·stall SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Then, in the winter of 18961897, two manuscript volumes containing his poems and meditations were discovered by chance for sale in a street bookstall.
He found his language books burrowing through secondhand bookstalls at a fish market.
He found consolation in browsing at bookstalls and reading any books that came his way.
His bookstalls were regularly to be found around the country's congresses.
During the following 100 years, the park was furnished with various pavilions, bookstalls, and stages, and became a popular spot among the city's society.
The library also houses a small bookstall and offers items such as incense and cards for sale.
The brothers already have businesses lined up, with around 90% of permanent stalls already taken up including a butcher, haberdashery, a cafe, bookstall and a sweet shop.
Similarly, he would haunt second-hand bookstalls in search for the rare books.
A bookstall was in operation from 1888.
On opening two of the kiosks were occupied by a bookstall and confectionery stall and the kiosks near the ends of the pier were seated shelters.

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