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Übersetzungen für broodiness im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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broodi·ness [ˈbru:dinəs] SUBST no pl

1. broodiness ugs:

Kinderwunsch m <-(e)s, -wünsche>

2. broodiness (pensiveness):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Placing artificial eggs into nests also stimulates broodiness.
In heavy breeds of chickens, warm weather tends to bring about broodiness.
Its popularity came from its qualities as an outstanding farm chicken: hardiness, docility, broodiness, and excellent production of both eggs and meat.
Be prepared, it will turn any broodiness up to eleven.
Hens are poor layers with yearly totals of eggs amounting to about 100 white eggs a year, and are exceptionally susceptible to broodiness.
Castrated males can go broody with baby chicks, showing that broodiness is not limited to females, however, castrated males do not incubate eggs.
This fear has been with me since early adolescence, long before broodiness became an issue.
Keeping hens in dark places with warm temperatures and in view of vocalising orphan chicks can induce broodiness, even in breeds that normally don't go broody.
Removing eggs each day, out of the sight of the hens, helps avoid broodiness not only in domestic poultry but also in some wild species in captivity.

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