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Übersetzungen für burp im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . burp [bɜ:p, Am bɜ:rp] SUBST

Rülpser m <-s, ->
burp of a baby
Bäuerchen nt <-s, ->
to let out a [big] burp

II . burp [bɜ:p, Am bɜ:rp] VERB intr

III . burp [bɜ:p, Am bɜ:rp] VERB trans

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to burp a baby
to let out a belch [or burp]
to let out a [big] burp

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This also makes it burp frequently from the resulting gas.
Some fish are also known to expel air from their gills; here the burp is produced by gas being expelled from the gas bladder.
In the week that followed, my dropbox was inundated with whistles, basses and burps.
To avoid this grisly fate, they burp repeatedly until they return to the ground.
This is emitted from the mouth by eructation (burping) and is normal.
He likes to burp and eat cats, and can whistle without opening his mouth.
While livestock account for around 20% of global methane emissions, 9095% of that is released by exhaling or burping.
The instrumentation is composed of buzzy, burping electronics and hard, chilly synths.
Her reading ability, loud scream, and the skill of burping on command impressed the director and won her the part.
Homer's special power is a giant burp, which can stun enemies.

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