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Übersetzungen für cantankerous im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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can·tan·ker·ous [ˌkænˈtæŋkərəs] ADJ

cantankerous (quarrelsome)
cantankerous (grumpy)
cantankerous (grumpy)
knurrig ugs
cantankerous (grumpy)
cantankerous (grumpy)
grantig ugs A

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are venomous and notably aggressive, with some herpetologists describing them as cantankerous and savage.
Another described him as cruel, unforgiving, cantankerous and bitter.
Patients in this subtype are often hypochondriacal, cantankerous and irritable, and guilt-ridden and self-condemning.
Her blunt and cantankerous demeanor starkly contrasts with those of her predecessors and the firm's other secretaries.
She is also very proud of her abilities and can be very cantankerous when slighted, which may indicate a similar approach with other men.
The first generation electronic systems were quirky devices with cantankerous punched card readers for loading keys and failure-prone, tricky-to-maintain vacuum tube circuitry.
A self-described cantankerous old man who's lived alone a lot of years.
Coupled with his bad reaction to celebrity, and his bouts of depression, these addictions caused him to be cantankerous, confrontational, argumentative, and controlling.
Being extremely irritable, he is very cantankerous in his dealings with the other passengers.
Being characterised a hot-tempered and cantankerous official as a young man, he gradually emerged as a brilliant and adroit man of the world.

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