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Übersetzungen für card-carrying im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈcard-carry·ing ADJ attr scherzh (dedicated)

überzeugt attr

card-carry·ing ˈmem·ber SUBST POL

card-carrying member

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The term card-carrying widened in scope after the 1950s, and now refers to any registered member of an organisation, or any authentic person.
The party lost the 1962 election, but it held a convention to discuss its platform in 1965 and opened its structures to card-carrying supporters.
The term card-carrying originally had no political connotation, and was used to describe membership in any organisation.
I soon became a card-carrying union member and subsequently never shut up about it.
However, this authorization was withdrawn because the party no longer had one hundred card-carrying members.
Being a card-carrying materialist, he then asked if angels were born, had parents, lived and died.
I'm a card-carrying member of three parent school associations.
Such a characterization may not be surprising given that almost all newspapers are owned by card-carrying members of the one percent.
And while the downtown clubs offer a few discounts or free memberships to exceptional players, they still have to cater to card-carrying members.
Join a party and become a card-carrying member of any party.

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