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Übersetzungen für chattel im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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chattel mortgage SUBST WIRECHT


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

chattel mortgage

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Even though he abolished chattel slavery, he still maintained a system of unpaid obligatory work.
The mere claim by the distrainor that he had a right to the chattels distrained was a technicality that ended the action in replevin.
Personal property can often be secured with similar kind of device, variously called a chattel mortgage, trust receipt, or security interest.
This form of slavery can be called chattel slavery.
The mission is to promote the study of all aspects of slavery, especially the chattel slave system and its destruction.
The effect was that the defendant was compelled to buy the chattel at a forced sale, carried out by means of an action in trover.
The normal rule was that ordinary care was necessary to protect the chattel while it was in the custody of the bailee.
Slaves were often not the chattel of other men, nor enslaved for life.
Serfs were for most purposes considered the property of the landowner, who could buy, sell or mortgaged them, as any other chattel.
In 1479, the remedy was extended to cover the destruction of the chattel by the possessor.

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