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Übersetzungen für chum salmon im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was attracted to come out to the river bank for the chum salmon run.
Chum salmon and caribou are the most important food sources.
Among the thirty-four natural and experimental secondary hosts found in scientific literature are the coastal cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, coho salmon, chum salmon, and kokanee salmon.
It will also provide safer river conditions for chum salmon fishers.
She throws her body into the stream, almost head first into a larger chum salmon swimming downstream.
Because steelhead swim near the surface, in theory, they should pass the nets safely, while deeper swimming chum salmon will be caught.
Wild fluctuations in sea-lice infestations on wild pinks and chum salmon between 2001 and 2005 gave way to a decade of low sea-lice levels, until last year.
Sea lice can be lethal to juvenile pink and chum salmon.
Historically the anadromous salmonid fish runs were robust but all have declined, especially the main stem-dependent chinook and chum salmon.
Fish species inhabiting the river and its related lakes and streams include sheefish, burbot, whitefish, sucker, king and chum salmon, northern pike and arctic grayling.

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