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Übersetzungen für conker im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His head resembles a large conker.
Since 1965, conker players from around the world have gathered on the village green to compete for the world title.
Conkers hang ready for competitors before the start of the annual conker championships at the festival.
Conker's adventures occur because he gets drunk and wanders in the opposite direction to his home.
For example, if a two-er plays a three-er, the surviving conker will become a six-er (the sum of the two previous scores plus one for the current game).
Conker, though highly materialistic and never afraid to insult, always approaches new characters with a positive outlook.
In the place he loved best, shining out at us with his wavy brown hair, the handsome boyish face and the big, brown conker eyes.
The average conker has shrunk during the past few decades.
Drake was all, "say it to my face then" and the two settled their differences with a conker tournament on the school playground.
There was something for all ages including using products from the woods to make peg people and conker webs.

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