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Übersetzungen für crochet hook im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈcro·chet hook SUBST

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Häkelnadel f <-, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For example, many knitters use them to fix dropped knitting stitches, and tailors may use a crochet hook to thread a drawstring through its casing.
She taught herself to crochet last summer, but admitted she did not think she would be picking up a crochet hook this summer.
One can also cro-tat with a bullion crochet hook or a very straight crochet hook.
While this is not in itself a hook, it is a device used in conjunction with a crochet hook to produce stitches.
Knitting and crocheting involve interlacing loops of yarn, which are formed either on a knitting needle or on a crochet hook, together in a line.
Needles are not used, but instead a crochet hook, so there can't be a "clacking of crochet needles".
He tries to follow, but his elastics are in disarray, the crochet hook unwieldy.
Round or cylindrical patterns are simple to produce with a regular crochet hook, but cylindrical knitting requires either a set of circular needles or three to five special double-ended needles.
In the nineteenth century, crochet tatting patterns were published which simply called for a crochet hook.
Make a slip-knot in yarn and put it on the crochet hook or right-hand needle.

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