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Übersetzungen für crockery im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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crock·ery [ˈkrɒkəri, Am ˈkrɑ:kɚi] SUBST no pl

Geschirr nt <-(e)s> kein pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He made money manufacturing crockery and investing in real estate.
Crockery including special products for children, trays, bowls and more.
They were also known as importers and jobbers of crockery, glass, plated ware and kerosene goods.
Drinking water and a well-stocked emergency kit was top priority, with a can opener and unbreakable crockery the key...
It may include cash, jewellery, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that help the newly-weds set up their home.
Aimed at children, each fable was accompanied by illustrations which were soon to find their way onto household crockery and tiles.
Individual crockery meanwhile -- be it paper, plastic or fine bone china -- is far from a necessity.
Trenchers were as much the harbingers of open-face sandwiches as they were of disposable crockery.
He arranged the crockery in piles, fixed the design and had it gold-plated as a contrast.
In return, the tribes purchased daily goods such as salt, sugar, and salted fish, as well as crockery, china, gongs and textile.

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