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Übersetzungen für death trap im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was a proper death trap.
The refuge was turned into death trap.
The fire officials reported that the building laws were not followed as the school had a thatched kitchen and classroom roof, no emergency exits and it was a death trap.
The entryway to the pit was only eighteen inches wide, a death trap in the event of a fire.
In all, he made 10 separate trips through the brutal fire, each time bringing out a man from the death trap.
The rest of the groups realized this was a death trap, and began running away.
The washing machines open to reveal the secret elevator, an elevator that the cleaning staff found could be a death trap when they threatened to unionise.
There were six other poor fellows in the same shell hole who met the same fate, it was a perfect death trap.
An otter and seals have followed the fish that now move up river to spawn in what was once an aquatic death trap.
He was a walking death trap.

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