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Übersetzungen für demon drink im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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de·mon ˈdrink SUBST Brit dated scherzh

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Another benefit of what is sometimes mistakenly called the demon drink is its capacity to inspire ingenuity.
Obviously, smoking is a big no-no, as it is widely accepted that being a smoker can affect your reproductive health, but what about the demon drink?
They advocated abstinence from alcohol, often asked their patrons to sign a no-booze pledge and renounce the demon drink.
A judge told a 50 year-old man with a long history of alcohol addiction that he hoped he would win his battle with the demon drink.
Well now, the ticket barriers actually carry adverts on them for the demon drink (see below).
She is, in many ways, the voice of sanity and moderation, notwithstanding her own weakness for the demon drink.
I hope that you fight the demon drink and win.
One option is to turn to the demon drink as a way of dealing with increased stress.
This brings us neatly to his own run-in with the demon drink.
The finger-waggers in the universities and the public health bureaucracy will say it's the demon drink.

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