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Übersetzungen für desperation im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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des·pera·tion [ˌdespəˈreɪʃən] SUBST no pl

1. desperation (hopelessness):

Verzweiflung f <-, -en>
an act of desperation
to drive sb to desperation
in desperation
out of desperation

2. desperation (state of being desperate):

desperation for
Verlangen nt <-s, -> nach +Dat

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

in desperation
an act of desperation
out of desperation
to drive sb to desperation

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Bombers were flown with airborne search lights out of desperation, but to little avail.
In desperation, he wishes to be returned to his old life, throwing the vial to the floor.
It captures the awkwardness, loneliness and unacknowledged desperation that haunt us all but that are particularly poignant when seen among attractive 30-somethings.
The song is actually about desperation and unemployment.
Acts of courage and desperation, fear and self-sacrifice, were numerous.
However, he is a very charming man to many around him, especially at the story's beginning when his desperation is still checked.
Their songs continued to express a feeling of depression and, more often than not, desperation.
This desperation would mount to futile charges by the rebels, where they were eventually defeated by the shogunate army.
Such incompatibilities only serve to underscore the hope and desperation he no doubt experienced and the basic radicalism contained in the document.
As he tries in desperation to stop the car, it becomes apparent that he is bound and gagged.

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