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Übersetzungen für detention centre im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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de·ˈten·tion cen·tre SUBST Brit

1. detention centre (for (illegal) immigrants, refugees etc.):

2. detention centre dated:

Jugendstrafanstalt f <-, -en>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The centre also serves as a weekend periodic detention centre for both male and female inmates who are employed on community projects.
Authorities said security was very tight at the detention centre and conducted an independent study to determine how the fugitive escaped.
Many of the services for detainees held at the detention centre are provided by non-profit organizations.
They met in a juvenile detention centre and have pursued their troubled ways, now partners in petty crime.
He was transferred to an immigration detention centre while his deportation was delayed.
They are believed to be held at the county police detention centre.
It is a combined maximum security detention centre for remanded prisoners, and medium/maximum correctional centre for offenders sentenced to less than two years.
This immigration detention centre will house up to 400 refugees.
However, it is now a detention centre for male adults.
Before this place was a cadet summer training centre, it was a youth detention centre.

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