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Übersetzungen für devolution im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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de·vo·lu·tion [ˌdi:vəˈlu:ʃən, Am ˌdevəˈ-] SUBST no pl

1. devolution POL (decentralization):

Dezentralisierung f <-, -en>
devolution of authority

2. devolution JUR (transference):

Übergang m <-s, -gänge>
devolution of an inheritance
devolution of property/rights

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

devolution of an inheritance
devolution of authority
devolution of property/rights

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hence, it is necessary to test the hypothesis that a more integrated and comprehensive devolution policy would lead to more positive impacts on performance.
By 1970, in preparation for devolution, changes in the relative populations were examined.
Arguments against the accord focused on the devolution of federal powers and control to the provincial governments.
During the 1990s there was a devolution of new responsibilities, including affordable housing, from provincial governments to municipal governments without adequate revenue tools.
These conflicting sentiments were reflected in the relatively low turnout at the referendum and the narrowness of the victory for devolution campaigners.
Within the sphere of forest management, as state earlier, the most effective option of decentralization is devolution-the transfer of power to locally accountable authority.
After devolution many development projects of education, irrigation, communication, public health engineering and electricity have so far been carried out.
This is a devolution from single, less differentiated institutions to an increasingly differentiated subset of institutions.
The nationalist parties, in turn, demanded devolution to their respective constituent countries in return for their supporting the government.
The former centralized form of government became decentralized through devolution.

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