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Übersetzungen für disciplinary committee im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dis·ci·plin·ary com·ˈmit·tee SUBST

disciplinary committee SUBST FINMKT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He played and refereed, organised fixtures, the disciplinary committee and the pitch allocations.
The disciplinary committee had apparently not considered this as they had concluded that the appellant had signed a form in blank in advance.
He still serves on the disciplinary committee and is on the council.
A five-man disciplinary committee later studied three video tapes of how the brawl came about and listened to the defence presented by club representatives.
The disciplinary committee has three members from the presidency of the club.
At the school, she is the student council vice-president and the chair of the disciplinary committee.
The disciplinary committee is also charged with reviewing any incidents that were missed by the officials and can award administrative red cards and suspensions accordingly.
Occasionally the lion is painted in response to disciplinary action by the school's disciplinary committee, especially expulsions.
A disciplinary committee made up of students and faculty is organized each year in order to deal with breaches of this honor statement.
She said that she was not appealing against the ruling of the party disciplinary committee and was leaving because she could not get fair procedures.

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