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Übersetzungen für disruptive im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dis·rup·tive [dɪsˈrʌptɪv] ADJ

störend <-er, -ste>
disruptive influence
disruptive influence (person)
Unruhestifter m <-s, -> abw
to be disruptive to sth

disruptive selection

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

disruptive influence (person)
Unruhestifter m <-s, -> abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the long run, high (disruptive) technology either bypasses, upgrades or replaces the outdated support network.
In this sense it can be perceived as a positive force that prevents acts that are perceptually disruptive or dangerous.
It had a disruptive effect on rail service.
Thus, the struggle of opposing forces, rather than being disruptive, may indeed be a means of balancing and maintaining a social structure or society.
While the possibility of restricting domestic usage was considered, it was deemed unnecessary and disruptive.
Unfortunately, this has been shown to be disruptive to normal re-innervation and can promote the development of synkinesis.
He said that the only way to find such disruptive new technology was to pour large sums of money at the problem.
Snowfalls in excess of 6 in are usually universally disruptive.
The book examines how disruptive technology affects consumer behavior and how businesses need to either adapt or die.
Otherwise, the largely inflexible nature of this social stratification system unleashed disruptive forces over time.

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