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Übersetzungen für dowdy im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dow·dy [ˈdaʊdi] ADJ abw

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 1965, there was much debate on whether to tear down what was becoming a faded, dowdy hotel, to make room for a more modern, functional high-rise hotel.
The owners had not upgraded or modernized the hotel in decades, and it was said to be dowdy at best.
A quick examination of its stock revealed why: dowdy dresses, garish sweaters and jackets that any reasonably fashion-conscious woman under 60 would surely spurn.
Dowdy still served a sentence in prison for perjury.
She was feeling old, dowdy and unexcited by life.
But your average football manager has traditionally been associated with embarrassing sartorial own goals, such as dowdy anoraks or all-enveloping sheepskin coats.
Somewhat dowdy, she seethes with suppressed passion.
Apple pan dowdy most commonly features a pie crust, which is broken (dowdied) before serving.
To him the old company was worthy but dowdy and stodgy.
This left them plenty of opportunity to develop elaborate rituals to impress the dowdier females.

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