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Übersetzungen für dramatis personae im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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dra·ma·tis per·so·nae [ˌdrɑ:mətɪspɜ:ˈsəʊnaɪ, -ni:, Am -t̬ɪspɚˈsoʊ-, ˌdræm-, -ni:] SUBST + Sg Verb

2. dramatis personae (listing):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It doesn't help that most of the dramatis personae are miscast in the first place.
So who are the dramatis personae in this most recent bit of political theatre?
Two films from 1983 proliferate with tall tales and sinister dramatis personae.
Without their knowing, the tourists will be dramatis personae in the drama about to unfold.
You should understand the character of the dramatis personae before you can understand the adversarial relationship.
Special attention has been paid to paint different locales differently to reflect various moods and characters of the dramatis personae.
It achieves this through selection and distortion, showing the dramatis personae in presentist contexts.
Without distorting historical facts, he portrays the emotional, material world of his dramatis personae and their rise and fall.
None of the dramatis personae -- the government, media or the opposition -- emerge from this macabre play without sullying their credibility.
Nor are they correlative objects which implicitly grant primacy to the mostly uncomprehending dramatis personae.

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