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per·so·nae [pəˈsəʊni:, Am pɚˈsoʊ-] SUBST

personae pl of persona

dra·ma·tis per·so·nae [ˌdrɑ:mətɪspɜ:ˈsəʊnaɪ, -ni:, Am -t̬ɪspɚˈsoʊ-, ˌdræm-, -ni:] SUBST + Sg Verb

1. dramatis personae:

dramatis personae (characters)
dramatis personae (actors)
Besetzung f <-, -en>

2. dramatis personae (listing):

dramatis personae

per·so·na <pl -nae [or -s]> [pəˈsəʊnə, Am pɚˈsoʊ-, pl -ni:] SUBST

per·so·na gra·ta <pl -> [pəˌsəʊnəˈgrɑ:tə, Am pɚˌsoʊnəˈgrɑ:t̬ə] SUBST form

per·so·na non gra·ta <pl -> [pəˌsəʊnənɒnˈgrɑ:tə, Am pɚˌsoʊnənɑ:nˈgrɑ:t̬ə] SUBST form

persona LING, LIT
persona PSYCHO
Rolle f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Hobbyists often went to great pains to not only hand-color their stages, but to embellish their toy theater personae with bits of cloth and tinsel.
The study explained that websites may feature personae that host to the visitors to the sites in order to generate public interest.
The second is personal immunity, or immunity "ratione personae".
Then having quite a swell time, half-sympathy, half-gloating but over all mischievous, he rushed, posthaste, to partition the dramatis personae into saints and sinners.
Many non-fiction blogs may likewise be elaborate sets of fictionalized personae, a situation which points to the seemingly limitless possibilities for identity production in cyberspace.

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