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Übersetzungen für persistent vegetative state im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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per·sis·tent veg·eta·tive ˈstate, PVS SUBST MED

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Soon afterward, however, she has a stroke that leaves her in a persistent vegetative state.
After it was determined that she was in a persistent vegetative state, her father wished to remove her from the artificial ventilator.
Glen remained in a coma for a year and then in a persistent vegetative state for seven more years before dying.
Soon after this occurs, the man becomes ill and falls into an unconscious persistent vegetative state.
The doctors concluded that he was suffering from a severe and progressively deteriorating neurological state and was in a persistent vegetative state.
Whether it is useful and appropriate to attempt to educate the most severely disabled children, such as children who are in a persistent vegetative state, is debated.
After she collapsed and stopped breathing twice for 15 minutes or more, the paramedics arrived and took her to a hospital, where she lapsed into a persistent vegetative state.
He is best known for his work with families on public cases involving persons in a persistent vegetative state.
Following the rupture he entered a persistent vegetative state with no chance of recovery.
Although visually similar to a comatose state such as persistent vegetative state, the two should not be confused.

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