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Übersetzungen für duffel coat im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈduf·fel coat SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was a 27-year-old industrial chemist in a shabby duffel coat.
And with no closure in sight (outside of a final glimpse of the windmill), perhaps there's life in the old duffel coat yet.
It was too cold to just sleep with a sheet on, so we would sleep with our clothes on and pull our duffel coats over our heads.
The mornings required a windbreaker and it was too cold to eat dinner outside without a duffel coat.
Right beside it was the bear's signature blue duffel coat and red hat.
She later made the best of working on a garage forecourt because they gave her a duffel coat which had pockets the perfect size for a paperback.
And maybe found some old cords and a duffel coat to match.
He is described as having snow-white skin and wearing a duffel coat.
And it isn't only my jerseys: virtually all my socks now have peek-a-boo toes, and even my dirty green duffel coat is riddled with holes.
I couldn't take my duffel coat off because the back of the trousers had worn through.

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