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Übersetzungen für earning capacity im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈearn·ing ca·pac·ity SUBST no pl FIN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This measure indicates its revenue- earning capacity and its financial strength.
Compensation covers medical and legal expenses, loss of future earning capacity, and up to $250,000 for pain and suffering; a death benefit of up to $250,000 is available.
Offspring tended to rank physically attractive and exciting personality higher than their parents, while parents found religious, kind and understanding, and good earning capacity to be more important factors.
The class possess a relatively high service speed (16.5 knots laden, 17.5 knots in ballast), which increases their earning capacity.
These categories may be found to correlate with health risks, earning capacity, mortality rates, credit risks, etc.
He also submitted the justice had erred in her methodology for calculating damages and earning capacity.
These activities increase the student's future earning capacity.
Parents of sons similarly ranked physical attractiveness at higher importance than parents of daughters, and parents of daughters ranked good earning capacity and education at higher importance.
In some economically poor areas where infant mortality is high but children are a vital source of labor to maintain the earning capacity of the family, polygamy provides more children.
Economic damages include financial losses such as lost wages (sometimes called lost earning capacity), medical expenses and life care expenses.

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